Naib Tehsildar Himachal Pradesh
Naib Tehsildar 2017 : HPGKNOTES


SOLVED PAPER NAIB TEHSILDAR – 2016   (Held in 2017)


1) Who was the first biographer of Mahatma Gandhi?

A. Acharya J.B. Kriplani

B. Vinoba Bhave

C. J. Doke

D. Rajendra Prasad


2. Which of the following is not a part of Mahatma Gandhi’s ideology in the Hind Swaraj?

A. India’s Varna system is not an ideal one.

B. Indian civilization is undoubtedly the best because of its immense assimilative power.

C.The industrial capitalism of the West is responsible for all conflicts, for it has divorced economic activities from moral concerns.

D. In our contemporary times, the lawyers, the doctors and the railways are making the country poorer.


3. Of the following, who were the first two Satyagrahis of Mahatma Gandhi in Individual Satyagraha?

A. Vinoba Bhave and Jawaharlal Nehru

B. Vinoba Bhave and Rajendra Prasad

C. Sardar Patel and Vinoba Bhave

D. Rajendra Prasad and Sardar Patel


4. Consider the following statements, and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

1. Gandhi launched the Swadeshi Movement in 1905.

2. In Gandhi’s philosophy, there was no alternative for morality.

3. Gandhi was opposed to renouncing one’s religion.

4. One should not mind meddling into the other’s affairs, if they were opposed to you.


A. 1 and 2

B. 2 and 3

C. 3 and 4

D. 4 and 1


5. What was not a part of Mahatma Gandhi’s Scheme of Education?

A. Free compulsory education for boys and girls from 7 to 14 years.

B. Vocational education.

C. The University education should be for meritorious students only.

D. Its goal is character building and understanding social responsibilities.

6. The direct effect of deficit financing is that:

A. Employment situation worsens.

B. Demand and Supply of output increases.

C. Pushes up prices.

D. Makes market more competitive.


7. In which year was the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act passes?

A. 1991

B. 1999

C. 2005

D. 2010

8. Vijay Kelkar Committee 2012 was related to which of the following subjects?

A. Banking Reforms

B. Fiscal Consolidation

C. Tax Reforms

D. Subsidies


9. Which sector has the largest contribution in India’s Gross Domestic Savings?

A. Public Sector

B. Public Sector Enterprises

C. Private Corporate Sector

D. Domestic Sector


10. A rolling plan is a plan for:

A. One year

B. Two years

C. Three years

D. Five years


11. Among the following, the highest Literacy rate is found in:

A. Sikkim

B. Manipur

C. Uttrakhand

D. Meghalaya


12. The headquarters of Western Coalfield Ltd. is located at:

A. Mumbai

B. Nagpur

C. Vadodara

D. Alwar


13. Pancheshwar Multipurpose Project Treaty has been signed between:

A. India-Bangladesh

B. India-Bhutan

C. India-Myanmar

D. India-Nepal


14. Plateau of India divided as MALNAD and MAIDAN Plateau is:

A. Mysore Plateau

B. Telangana Plateau

C. Chota Nagpur Plateau

D. Malwa Plateau


15. Influent drainage, Bangar soil, Doabs are the features of:

A. Indo-Sutlej Plain

B. Ganga Plain

C. Brahmaputra Plain

D. Mahanadi Plain


16. TODA are Tribals Comminity found in the state of:

A. Gujarat

B. Kerala

C. Andaman and Nicobar

D. Odisha


17. India became a signatory to be Ramsar Convention in 1982. Ramsar Convention is related to:

A. Wetland Conservation

B. Lakes Conservation

C. River Conservation

D. All of the above


18. Among the following which river basin having the largest catchment area?

A. Mahanadi

B. Krishna

C. Narmada

D. Kaveri


19. Which one of the following stations receivers minimum average annual rainfall?

A. Bhopal

B. Hyderabad

C. Lucknow

D. Raipur


20. Among the following, the Eastern-most location city is:

A. Lucknow

B. Jabalpur

C. Hydrabad

D. Bangalore


21. Which of the following statements is wrong about earth?

A. Ozone layer protects the life form the harmful ultraviolet radiations coming from sun.

B. Biodiversity is richest in the tropics

C. Microorganisms play an important role in the nutrient cycling.

D. Nearly 29% of the earth surface is covered by water.


22. Lithosphere is the:

A. Innermost core of earth

B. Part of the earth covered with water

C. The lowest layer of the earth crust which is capable of supporting life

D. Uppermost layer of the earth crust which is capable of supporting life


23. Igneous rocks are formed by the:

A. cooling down of volcanic eruptions

B. deposition and lithification of sediments

C. deposition of plants and dead animals

D. deposition of limestone


24. Which city is known as the silicon valley of India?

A. Dhanbad

B. Aligarh

C. Bangalore

D. Nagpur


25. Main use of a Nuclear Reactor is to:

A. store the radioactive material

B. produce electrical energy from the energy released during nuclear fission

C. measure electric current in a circuit

D. transmit the optical signals and the two-dimensional pictures


26. Compressed natural gas is now being used as better fuel than gasoline for running vehicles because of its:

A. complete combustion and no unburnt release of carbon

B. incomplete combustion and release of methane

C. high ignition temperature

D. low calorific value and the engine remain cool


27. Which one of the following is used in the rear view mirror of the vehicles?

A. Concave mirror

B. Convex mirror

C. Plane mirror

D. Convavo-convex mirror


28. Which one of the following is responsible for the Ozone depletion?

A. Carbon monoxide

B. Sulphur dioxide

C. Nitrogen oxide

D. Chlorofluorocarbon


29. In children, Kwashiorkor and Marasmur disease are caused by the deficiency of:

A. Vitamin D

B. Vitamin B6

C. Protien

D. Fat


30. RISHTA project in Himachal Pradesh refers to:

A. LED based street lightning project

B. Tree plantation programme

C. Sarva Sikhsha Abhiyan

D. Road construction


31. Who was the Prime Minister of Britain at the time of India’s independence?

A. Clement Attlle

B. Ramsay MacDonald

C. N. Chamerlain

D. Winston Churchill


32. The Anti-Terrorism Day is celebrated on:

A. May 23

B. September 31

C. September 30

D. May 21


33. The Prime Minister of India recently launched a satellite service for the SAARC countries. It was:






34. Digi Yatra is an initiative of:

A. Ministry of Civil Aviation

B. Four Dham Yatra

C. Ministry of Railway

D. Ministry of Road Transport


35. Recently Sukama valley came into new for killing of armed forces. The valley is located in:

A. North Kashmir

B. South Kashmir

C. Chhatisgarh

D. Jharkhand


36. Which of the following is not correct about Leela Seth?

A. She was the first woman justice of Delhi High Court

B. She was the first woman Chief Justice of Himachal Pradesh High Court

C. She was throughout an RTI activist

D. She passed recently


37. Which river is called as the Ganges of South?

A. Godavari

B. Krishna

C. Cauvery



38. Which Indian state has the least literacy?

A. Bihar

B. Rajasthan

C. Orissa

D. Arunachal Pradesh


39. Which one of the following is correct about corporation tax?

A. It is a tax which is levied by the local bodies

B. It is a tax on the profit of companies

C. It is an indirect tax

D. It is a tax that is levied by Municipal Corporation


40. Who was the first Muslim President of Indian National Congress?

A. Hakim Azmal Khan

B. Abul Kalam Azad

C. Rafi Ahmad K

D. Badruddin Tyabji


41. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt is related to:

A. Santoor

B. Mohan Veena

C. Sarangi

D. Violin


42. Education in the Indian Constitution falls in:

A. Concurrent list

B. Central list

C. State list

D. Residuary list


43. The Parliament of Israel is known as:

A. Great Hural

B. The Knesset

C. Stortinget

D. Staten


44. Who was the key person who presuaded Gandhi to come to Champaran in 1917?

A. Rajkumar Shukla

B. Vinoba Bhave

C. Acharya Kriplani

D. Motilal Nehru


45. Which Indian bowler became the first ever to complete 50 wickets in two consecutive calendar

years 2015-16?

A. Ravi Chandra Ashwin

B. Muhammad Sami

C. Jasprit Bumrah



46. Indian Women’s Hockey Team beat which country to win Asian Champion Trophy 2016?

A. Malaysia

B. China

C. Japan

D. South Korea


47. Sampriti is a joint military training exercise between:

A. India and Bangladesh

B. India and Russia

C. India and America

D. India and Israel


48. World Sanskrit Award 2016 was given to:

A. Professor George Cardona

B. Princess Maha Chakri

C. Professor Sheldon Pollack



49. Who won the best FIFA football player award 2016?

A. Lioni Messi

B. Cristiano Ronaldo

C. Antonie Griezmaan

D. Manuel Neuer


50. The Champion of the Earth Award is given by the:

A. United Nations

B. United States of America

C. European Union

D. Sweden



51. The First BRICS film festival was held in:

A. Delhi

B. Moscow

C. Beijing

D. Peking


52. Which of the following films got the Golden Peacock Award at 47th International Film Festival of


A. Bridge of Spies

B. The Danish Girl

C. The Revenant

D. Daughter


53. Lalima Abhiyan for anaemia-free state has been launched in:

A. Gujarat

B. Madhya Pradesh

C. Maharashtra

D. Himachal Pradesh


54. Jail Jyoti Yojana to promote literacy among the jail inmates was launched in:

A. Kerala

B. West Bengal

C. Orissa

D. Delhi


55. Bharatmala is a:

A. Road and highways project connecting the border and port on coastal lines

B. Linking River Project

C. Reviving small airports

D. Linking universities project


56. Project Vishwajeet is mooted by:

A. HRD Ministry

B. Defence Ministry

C. Agriculture Ministry

D. Road and Transport Ministry


57. Justice R.V. Easwar Committee constituted by the government of India was to deal with:

A. Fiscal Deficit

B. Market borrowing

C. Income tax



58. CASSINI is a joint space mission of:


B. NASA and France Space Agency

C. NASA and Eureopean Space Agency

D. ISRO and European Space Agency


59. Operation Sankat Mochan was lauched by:

A. Indian Airforce

B. Indian Army

C. Nepalese Army

D. Indian Navy


60. Who was selected for the 52 Jnanpeeth Award for 2016?

A. Shankar Ghosh

B. Padma Sachdev

C. Chhatrapal

D. Bulaki Sharma


61. TSR Subrahmanyam Committee which recently submitted its report to the government of India

dealth with:

A. National Education Policy

B. National Health Policy

C. Police Reforms



62. Richard Verma is:

A. Governor of California

B. Memeber of the US Senate

C. Member of the House of Representation

D. US Ambassador to India (Former)


63. Who among the following received the Nobel Prize in literature for 2016?

A. Bob Dylan

B. Oliver Hart

C. Y. Ohsumi

D. Bernard Feringa


64. Article 280 of the Indian Constitution deals with:

A. Planning Commission

B. Inter-State Council

C. Finance Commision

D. The Supreme Court of India


65. The Financial Emergency under Indian Constitution is mentioned in:

A. Article 360

B. Article 354

C. Article 359



66. Which state of India has the largest coastline?

A. Gujarat

B. Maharashtra

C. Kerala

D. Tamilnadu

67. Shunglu Committee was formed by Lt. Governor of Delhi to examine:

A. 400 files on which AAP governement had taken decision

B. Specifically Tanker Scam in Delhi

C. Water Supply in Delhi

D. Electricity Supply in Delhi


68. In which state were the Panchayati Raj Institutions introduced first?

A. Maharashtra

B. Rajasthan

C. Gujarat

D. Karnataka


69. In whom the executive authority of India is vested by the Constitution?

A. The President of India

B. The Council of Ministers

C. The Prime Minister

D. Cabinat


70. Which organ break fat to produce Cholesterol?

A. Liver

B. Kidney

C. Pancreas



71. Which mountain pass joins Manali and Kullu Districts of Himacal Pradesh?

A. Dulchi

B. Padri

C. Drati

D. Tori


72. Around which century were rock temples of Masrur in Kangra Districts of Himachal Pradesh built?

A. 3rd and 4th century

B. 7th and 8th century

C. 9th and 10th century

D. 11th and 12th century


73. The Government of India has sanctioned five Model School for the educationally backward blocks

of Chamba and Sirmaur Districts of Himachal Pradesh. How many of them are in Chamba District?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four


74. With which region of Himachal Pradesh is Bakayang folk dance associated?

A. Chamba

B. Kinnaur

C. Kangra

D. Lahaul Spiti


75. Near which town of Himachal Pradesh is Daranghati Sanctuary?

A. Solan

B. Shimla

C. Rampur Bushahr

D. Arki


76. On the bank of which river is Suketi Fossil Park?

A. Giri

B. Bata

C. Markanda

D. Andhra


77. In which town of Himachal Pradesh was the first Skill Development Center set up in 2013 A.D.?

A. Nahan

B. Bilaspur

C. Hamipur

D. Gagret


78. Which sanitation campaign was replaced by Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) in 2014-15?

A. Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan

B. Swachh Gramin Abhiyan

C. Rajiv Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

D. Indira Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan


79. Approximately what percentage of total area of Himachal Pradesh falls in Lahaul Spiti District?

A. 14.03

B. 18.64

C. 24. 85

D. 28.16


80. What is the approximate altitude of Shikari Devi temple situated in Karsog region of Mandi District

of Himachal Pradesh?

A. 5000 ft.

B. 10000 ft.

C. 15000 ft.

D. 20000 ft.


81.Which Raja of Bilaspur princely state was exiled from the state around 1903 A.D. and ordered to

stay at Benaras?

A. Amar Chand

B. Mahan Chand

C. Hira Chand

D. Bijai Chand


82. When was the custom of Rit/Reet Marriage abolished in the Bushahr princely state?

A. 1915 A.D.

B. 1920 A.D.

C. 1925 A.D.

D. 1930 A.D.


83. In 1946 which was the smallest state/ Thakurai among the Simla Hill states?

A. Delath (6.5 sq. km)

B. Dhadi

C. Ratesh (20 sq. km)

D. Beja (7 sq. km)



84. During the reign of which Raja of Kullu was Lahaul conquered by the Raja of Chamba?

A. Suraj Pal

B. Raksh Pal

C. Rudar Pal

D. Karn Pal


85. The quantum of land revenue in Bilaspur princely state which was paid in kind till 1863 was ….

A. One- third of the produce

B. One- fourth of the produce

C. One- fifth of the produce

D. One- sixth of the produce


86. Which Raja of Mandi princely state was son of Ishwari Sen by a concubine?

A. Zalim Sen

B. Balbir Sen

C. Shamser Sen

D. Bijai Sen


87. Which of the following restored the territory of Kutlehar princely state which had been seized by

Raja Sansar Chand of Kangra?

A. The Sikhs

B. The Gurkhas

C. The British

D. The Mughals


88. To which region of Kangra District of H.P. did Justice Mehar Chand Mahajan belong?

A. Palampur

B. Shahpur

C. Nurpur

D. Nagrota


89. Among the following which was the last Thakurai to be granted Sanad by the British?

A. Kumarsain

B. Kuthar

C. Darkoti

D. Thraroach


90. According to the Sanad granted to the Raja of Sirmaur in 1815 A.D. which of the following territories

was returned to him?

A. Jaunsar-Bawar

B. Morni

C. Babar

D. Kayar-Da-Dun


91. What is the number of members from the tribal areas in the H.P. Vidhan Sabha elected in 2012


A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four


92. What was the Consumer Price Index Numbers for industrial workers in H.P. during 2014-15?

(Base 2001=100)

A. 175

B. 195

C. 213

D. 225


93. Which was the ancestral village of famous Hindi writer Yashpal in Hamirpur District of H.P.?

A. Rangas

B. Rail

C. Bhumpal

D. Kalyan


94. Besides Chinni Tehsil of Mahasu District, how many villages of Rampur Tehsil were transferred to

constitute Kinnaur District in 1960 A.D.?

A. 14

B. 18

C. 22

D. 26


95. Who was the first Speaker of H.P. Vidhan Sabha (1952)?

A. Krishan Chand

B. Krishna Mohini

C. Desraj Mahajan

D. Jaiwant Ram


96. According to 2010-11 Agricultural census what is the percentage of small and marginal holdings in


A. 69.78

B. 70.34

C. 80.61

D. 87.95


97. Which District of H.P. recorded the highest growth rate of population during 2001-2011 decade?

A. Sirmaur

B. Una

C. Solan

D. Chamba


98. Which craftsman in the court of Raja Meru Varman of Chamba built the metal alloy (ashtdhatu) images

at Bharmour and Chhatrari temples?

A. Gugga 

B. Nainsukh

C. Manaku

D. Nikla


99. Adolescent girls of which age-group are covered under the Kishori Shakti Yojna in H.P.?

A. 10-16 years

B. 11-17 years

C. 11-18 years

D. 12-20 years


100. When was Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act passed in H.P.?

A. 1970  B.1976

C. 1980  D. 1987


101. When was the Amrit Bazar Patrika started in Bangla?

A. 1865 A.D.  B. 1866 A.D

C. 1868 A.D.   D. 1870 A.D.


102. Which is not correct about the Faraizi Movement?

A. It originated in Bihar.

B. Its aim was the religious purification of Islam.

C. It used the Bangla language in the Initiation Ceremony.

D. It’s founders believed in scriptural fundamentalism.


103. Which Act conceded the demand of Legislative Council members to discuss the Budget?

A. Charter Act of 1833

B. Charter Act of 1853

C. Indian Councils Act of 1861

D. Indian Councils Act of 1892


104. Of the following, who was not the member of Hindu Mahasabha?

A. Madan Mohan Malaviya

B. Ras Bihari Bose

C. B.S. Munje

D. Lala Lajpat Rai


105. Sohan Singh Bhakna and Baba Harnam Singh were associated with:

A. Naujawan Bharat Sabha

B. Ghadar Movement

C. Congress Socialist Party

D. Hindu Mahasabha


106. Which of the following is not matched correctly?

A. Abul Kalam Azad- India Wins Freedom

B. Deenbandhu Mitra- Neeldarpan

C. Katherine Mayo- Mother India

D. Sarojini Naidu- Nation in Making


107. What of the following is not correct about the Home Rule League?

A. It was based on the model of Ireland.

B. Annie Besant established it.

C. Annie Besant wanted to make India free through it.

D. B.G. Tilak also established it.


108. Where was held the I.C.S. examination in India for the first time?

A. Allahabad   B. Agra

C. Delhi   D. Varanasi


109. Consider the following statements and select your answer from the code below:

1. Gandhi gave up his membership of Congress in 1940.

2. The Lucknow Pact was signed in 1916.

3. The Crisp Mission was sent to India by Lord Wavell.

4. V.D. Savarkar organised the Abhinav Bharat


A. 1 and 3   B. 2 and 4

C. 3 and 1    D. 4 and 3


110. Who appointed the Boundary Commission in 1947 for delimiting the boundaries of India and Pakistan

in Punjab and Bengal?

A. C. Rajagopalachari

B. Jawaharlal Nehru

C. Sardar Patel

D. Lord Mountbatten



111. Which of the following is not correct about the Christian Missionaries which came to India?

A. The Danish Protestant Mission was the first to come to India.

B. The Missionaries enjoyed the privileges of being the members of the ruling power.

C. Most of the Indian Reform Movements of 19th century opposed them.

D. The Charter Act of 1853 granted then the right to visit India and liberty to preach Christianity



112. Which of the following is not matched correctly?

A. Syed Ahmed Khan – The Deoband Movement

B. Atmaram Pandurang – The Prarthana Samaj

C. Vivekanand – Ramakrishna Mission

D. Madam Blavatsky – The Theosophical Society


113. Who of the following established the Indian Society of Oriental Art?

A. Rabindranath Tagore

B. Abhindranath Tagore and Gagnendranath Tagore

C. Surrendranath Banerji and Anandiya Banerji

D. Subhash Chandra Bose


114. Henry Vivian Derozio is associated with:

A. Self – Respect Movement

B. Arya Samaj Movement

C. Seva Sadan

D. Young Bengal Movement


115. Arrange the following in chronological order, and select the answer from the codes given below:

1. The Indian Universities Act

2. The Saddler Commission

3. The Ilbert Bill

4. The Swadeshi Movement


A. 1,2,3,4    B. 2,4,1,3

C. 3,1,4,2    D. 4,3,2,1


116. Consider the following statements and select your answer from the codes given below:

1. Munshi Prem Chand started writing first in Urdu.

2. B.R. Ambedkar is associated with the Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha.

3. The Indian Universities Act was passed in the time of Lord Hardinge.

4. The newspaper “Ghadar” was first published in Hong Kong.


A. 1 and 2   B. 2 and 3

C. 3 and 4    D. 4 and 2


117. Which of the following is true about Raja Ravi Verma, a great painter?

A. He belonged to a royal family of Rajasthan.

B. He combined the Indian and Western styles in his paintings.

C. He disregarded the Indian mythological themes in paintings.

D. He learnt paintings at the age of 40.


118. Who designed the Victoria Memorial Hall in Calcutta in 1906?

A. Sir William Emerson   B. R.F. Chisholm

C. H. Irwin   D. None of the above


119. Consider the following statements about the Theosophical Society:

1. Its doctrines were influenced by occult mysticism

2. It used the Hindu and Buddhist terms and concepts

3. Annie Besant was a Scottish woman

4. She became the member of Congress in 1905

Select your answer from the codes giver below:

A. 1 and 3

B. 2 and 4

C. 2 and 3

D. 1 and 2


120. Which of the following is not matched correctly?

A. M.S. Subalakshi – Carnatic Music

B. Rukmini Devi -Bharatnatyam

C. Hari Narain Apte – Oriya Literature

D. Allauddin Khan – Hindustani


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